Moree Champion

A selection of the most enchanting destinations on Earth

Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock
Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock

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Casablanca has to be one of the most romantic sounding destinations on Earth. Add Marrakech and Mallorca to make an exotic trifecta, and there's still even more on this tour.

Starting from London, the cruise departs from Southhampton on the Queen Victoria. Relax the first couple of days at sea and uncover all the ship has on offer.

Known for flamenco dancing, bullfighting and its great tapas bars, Seville is the first stop. The Alcazar palace and its beautiful tiles kicks-off your Seville experience before heading to the famous Santa Cruz quarter.

Beautiful Plaza de Espana, Sevilla, Spain. Picture Shutterstock
Beautiful Plaza de Espana, Sevilla, Spain. Picture Shutterstock

Travelling overnight to Granada, The Alhambra is a palace and fortress worth a visit as one of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture. Smell the roses and visit Generalife, 'the garden of the architect.'

Palma de Mallorca, Majorca is reached after a day at sea and is a city with a fascinating story, built as it is on a Roman city that still exists a metre or so beneath the surface. Enjoy a photo stop at the Gothic fortress of Bellver Castle, the Gothic Quarter and the Gothic Cathedral.

Cruise for a day before arriving in Rome. There is time for a quick look around then head to the airport for a flight to Casablanca, Morocco. Here see the famous Hassan II Mosque, built on an outcrop jutting over the ocean, it is one of the few mosques in Morocco tourists are allowed into.

Finally it's time to practice your lines and get your best 'Bogie' on at the recreated Ricks Café, the fictional gin joint from Casablanca the movie.

The tour next takes some quality time in Marrakech, a city steeped in ancient artistry. Take in the Koutoubia Mosque, Old Medina and its fortune tellers, musicians and food stalls, and Le Jardin Secret, one of the most beautiful gardens of its kind in Marrakech.

Colorful spices and dyes found at souk market in Marrakesh, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock
Colorful spices and dyes found at souk market in Marrakesh, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock

The following day the sightseeing continues with time spent at the Palace of Bahia, one of Morocco's architectural masterpieces. The Saadian Tombs are fascinating, dating back to Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur from the 16th century. A must see is the mausoleum in the chamber of the 12 Pillars made from Italian Carrara marble and pure gold.

Travelling to Fez, the tour stops in the Imperial City of Meknes, once the capital of Morocco, impressive with the surrounding high walls and great doors.

Fez, founded in the 8th century, is the oldest Moroccan Imperial City and consists of two old medina quarters and the modern urban area of Ville Nouvelle.

The group is guided through the World Heritage listed medina, made up of winding alleyways full of market stalls and craftsmen. See the famous tannery and its dye pits, producing some of the world's best leather.

Bab Bou Jeloud gate (The Blue Gate) located at Fez, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock
Bab Bou Jeloud gate (The Blue Gate) located at Fez, Morocco. Picture Shutterstock

There is time for the Royal Palace of Fez and it golden doors as well as the Bab Boujloud, Blue Gate, which is the original 12th century entrance to the medieval medina.

Casablanca airport is the destination for home flights and your last chance to nail one of the great lines in modern movie making history - "here's looking at you too kid."

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